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恋爱情书网 互联网 未知 3/9/2007 3:20:29 AM

OLD KIDS never die, they just grow up

OLD KNIGHTS IN CHAIN MAIL never die, they just shuffle off their metal coils

OLD LASER pHYSICISTS never die, they just become incoherent

OLD LAWYERS never die, they just lose their appeal

OLD LAWYERS never die, they just lose their briefs

OLD LIbrARIANS never die, their computers have Fatal Errors

OLD LIbrARIANS never die, they just check out

OLD LIbrARIANS never die, they just get re-shelved

OLD LIbrARIANS never die, they just lose their references

OLD LIGHT BULBS never die, they just blink out

OLD LIMBO DANCERS never die, they just go under

OLD LINGUISTS never die, they just rearrange their deep structures

OLD MAGICIANS never die, they just disappear

OLD MAGICIANS never die, they just float away

OLD MAGICIANS never die, they just make a big production of it

责任编辑: yueliang 参与评论
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